Sharn’s modern day approach to mediation allows you to speak for yourself, instead of being an audience for attorneys and judges. By choosing mediation, you are in charge. During mediation sessions, you have the power to convey your interests and goals in a more genuine and sincere way leading to more thoughtful and productive conversations and successful outcomes between parties.


Estate disputes
Custody agreements
Preventative agreements to prevent future conflicts

Family Mediation

Equipping teens and young adults with the skills needed to navigate difficult conversations with adults, peers, and future employers.

Teens and Young Adult Mediation

Workshops and one-on-one sessions in corporate settings and hospitals where employees can speak safely, clarify their unique points of view, and express their emotions regarding issues and concerns within their organizations.

Understanding the why behind specific workplace conflicts and grievances helps leadership teams tackle problems before conflict turns into a dispute between colleagues that struggle to work together.

With mediation workshops and by equipping teams with conflict resolution skills, corporations are able to return their focus and energy on company goals and driving results, not drama.

Corporate and Team Mediation

Conflict Resolution
Individualized Conflict Resolution Programs
Biased Profiling
Case Management Mediation Techniques

Additional Services Include:

Administrative Proceedings
Cross-Functional Communications

Restorative Practices
Racial Profiling
Legal Research & Analysis
Community Relations

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